Contribution to Media and Public Scholarship
What are tribal land acknowledgments? USA Today, October 2, 2021
Which is correct? Native American, American Indian or Indigenous?, The Oklahoman, April 22, 2021
Native American Studies Department and Native Nations Center receives grant to expand their curriculum, OU Daily, January 25, 2021
OU Native American Studies begins undergraduate fellowship, OU Daily, April 20, 2021
A Treacherous Choice And A Treaty Right, National Public Radio, CodeSwitch, April 8, 2020
Public Scholarship
Bill looks like a pro and con in Hillary’s camp, The Herald Sun, April 15, 2016
Mandel's Mighty Cry For Unity A Rare Legacy, The Age, July 9, 2013
Northwest salmon make legal headway, Indian Country Today, July 18, 2003